You're a Palin, I'm a Palin
Don't you wish you could be a Palin too?

On the heels of Tina Fey absolutely killing her Palin impression on SNL, I came across (via Marketing Profs on Twitter) this blog that generates names as if you were one of Palin's children.
I'm happy to announce that I will be changing my name to Mullet Troll Palin on November 5 if the McCain-Palin ticket wins.
If you are also interesting in potentially joining the family, check it out here:
Side Bar: I DVR'd the episode because I was interested in seeing how Michael Phelps would do. Last season SNL opened with LeBron James and he was hilarious. They also did a skit about Kanye and his blow ups on award shows featuring Kanye playing himself. Anyway, except for the interviews post winning a gold medal when emotions are running high, it appears that Phelps is not comfortable behind a mic. I wanted to see if Phelps looked awkward trying to act. The Palin skit seems to just be the icing on the cake! I haven't seen the rest of the episode yet, so have to post my thoughts later this week on Phelps performance.
Until then: Viva la MILF-a!
Labels: Michael Phelps, Sarah Palin, SNL, Tina Fey, Twitter
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