
O Billy?

I have to admit, I loss a little respect for Billy Clint during the primary, but his speech in Denver restored the faith. I had forgotten how great of a speaker he is. Another thing I had forgotten was how intelligent he is-- a far cry from where we are today.

Need proof? Last night he was on The Daily Show with Jon Stewart and IMO said some very interesting things:

If you watched both videos, you'll see Stewart make a reference to Clinton's appearance on The Late Show with David Letterman where Clinton had been a guest the night before. I didn't see the entire interview, but apparently Clinton wasn't emphatic enough for some in his praises about Barack Obama.

The next guest on Letterman was Chris Rock.

Sidebar: That is one hell of a line-up. It's almost
like an old time comedy duo. Clinton sets'em up and Rock knocks'em down.

I'd imagine that Rock was on the show promoting his new stand-up special premiering on HBO this Saturday. Well Rock noticed Clinton's apparent aprehension to saying Obama's name and goes in on Clinton. The result: hiliarity!

As you can see Rock was not concerned with the Secret Service being in the close vacinity.

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