
Okay, so sue me. I update this blog once every other month or so. But who really cares? No one. Cause no one reads this thing. I am typing for the sake of typing and to help time pass here at work.

So anyway, I here to talk about grad school. Just sent in my application. Now I have until about August to play the waiting game. That is a long time from now, but short. By that time, my sister will have graduated college and a very good friend from elementary school will be married. Big shit is on the horizon. Hopefully, it includes my acceptance into grad school.

I think grad school will put me in the zone I need to be in, but it also makes me nervous. Like undergrad, this will dictate the rest of my life i.e. earning potential. I know money isn't everything, but it will take some to make some for myself and the things I hope to bring into fruition from my mind into reality. Big talk takes a big check. Whether it is your signature on the check or the bank's.

But enough, about the money. I think this degree will just be a cool accomplishment. No one will have one in my immediate family. Well, unless somehow my sister finds a way to sneak in and take all the glory, LOL.

For now I am just waiting. First that FedEx doesn't mess up and lose it and secondly that the acceptance letter/ email I am waiting for makes its way to me and not someone else.


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