The Office

I was talking to my boy R-West last week and the topic of my work ordeal came up. The First Lady of the R-West household had been reading the blog (specifically, the work-related posts) and thought that she was reading a fictionary short story. Upon hearing this, I laughed.
Make no mistake people, all of those stories are true! I wish I could make them up. I would have moved to LA or NY with a script in hand. To an even greater degree, I wish the stories were recounts of episodes of The Office and no

The best thing about going through that situation is that it made me wake up and realize that I needed to get focused on my career. I had become too comfortable and was in need of a shake up. And one of the biggest things I had been struggling with was my expectation that my company and boss(es) would create an environment that helped me to help them. I was obviously wrong, but I learned that my career will only be what I make it. Waiting on someone else to make it or even contribute to it, is like waiting for Giuliani to start off a sentence with something other than, "On 9/11...."
Sidebar: When searching for a pic of Rudy, I came across some
really questionable stuff. On two different occassions, this dude was
photographed in drag. I just found that down right interesting.
The next best thing is that it helped bring me back to blogging. During the time that I neglected this space, I had numerous things I wanted to comment on, but never took the time to actually think them out and start typing. Then, time would pass and it wouldn't even matter anymore. Although I still do not believe I have gotten in stride, it's nice to know that I am at least back in the race. My tenure at my current company has really stifled my creative streak. I think this blog is a nice way to get my mojo back. Whether or not anyone finds humor in the things I write, is not really my concern. I laugh, and that's good enough for me.

In many ways, I get my Stanley on. I don't go as hard he does and I still get ticked from time to time, but I am focused on my development and am taking advantage of some new opportunities that have recently been presented to me.
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Labels: Rudy Giuliani, The Office
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