History Will Be Made...
My last post gave you a look into my thought process in determining who I was voting for. It may be nonsensical and outright stupid, but as I said yesterday, it's how I came to MY decision. By now, I hope you have come to yours and cast your vote for history.
Yes, I voted for Barack Obama, but I am not naive enough to not see that history will be made in the wee hours of the morning. Whether America elects the first president of African-American descent or the first female vice president, it will be history.
General Election, General Excitement
The amazing thing about this year's election is how much people are talking about it. So it tells me one of two things or perhaps even both: People really hate George Bush or Obama and Palin have really inspired people. (I think I just heard a lot of people pass out) Wait! Before you shoot me, think about this:
McCain's candidacy would have long been out this race if it weren't for Palin. Good, bad or flat out terrible, Palin infused the McCain with an energy he would have never been able to garner for himself. So take away Palin and replace her with Huckabee, Giuliani or Romney. What would you have? An easy victory for Obama? Maybe, but that may not have been the best thing.
On the Obama side, I think he has already started creating jobs. Everywhere I look I see some type of Obama paraphenalia- hats, buttons, t-shirts, etc. He definitely has a lot of people enthusiastic. As I watched the news last night, they kept interviewing people who said that this was their first time voting. One lady was a 72-year-old immigrant. She said this was the first time she was even inclined to do so.
Then when I went to the polls, you saw people with their families. Parents taking their newborns with them to cast the official vote for their presedential choice, and taking pictures of it to document the event. I saw on Twitter where one guy told his young daughter that he went to vote and she responded, "This message is approved by Barack Obama!"
What Have you Learned?
If you look at the Obamas- Barack and Michelle- you can see this campaign has aged them. Barack has a whole lot more gray hairs now than when the candidacy started. But I think some good has come from this. It's made them both stronger. Many accused Obama of being too nice and worried about his ability to handle pressure. I'd be hard pressed to find someone who could honestly say that Obama hasn't weathered one of the biggest storms in the world without infusing personal dislike into the conversation.
The McCain's seem to be the same. I am not really sure if McCain has learned anything from this campaign. And Palin, never seemed to be genuine when she spoke, so there's not much to go off anyway.
Admittedly, I am nervous about tonight. No one really knows what is going to happen. Seriously, look what happened in 2000. People went to sleep thinking Gore was going to be the next president only to wake up and hear that BJr had won. Call me a conspiracy theorist, but I won't believe Obama has won until the inauguration. And even then, I am going to wait until the State of the Union address to verify the inauguration verification.
In the event McCain and Palin win, I offer you congratulations now. I probably won't be able to do the same afterwards, so I figured I'd get it in now. If you win, I ask that you take a good look at yourselves and then a good look at the turmoil within this country. You will be facing challenges that I did not think you would properly address, but I hope you figure out a way to get us on the straight and narrow. Surround yourselves with people who think about all pieces of the puzzle, not just the conservative populace.
Remember America, the choice is yours. Make the best one for not only you and your family, but your friends, neighbors and our collective future.
Labels: Black Sheep, Presedential Campaign
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