
More Random Thoughts...

- So as soon as I say TO has been quiet, he goes on Sportcenter last night and says something. Not sure what it was because I was asleep. I personally am sitting on the fence with this one. Both sides have valid reasons to take their particular stances. My thing is why couldn/t TO and his new agent Drew Rosenhaus kept it out of the media? Typically, agents/ players or even prosecutors (ex. the Mike Jackson case)will make things public to influence or gain favorable public opinion. And that is what makes their plan a head scratcher to me. Having just signed a lucrative contract last year, the average Joe is not going to understand or even fathom why he needs a new contract.

The only thing I could think of is that they intended to back Philly in a corner to where they eventually ended up releasing him or trading him. At which point anew team would gladly sign him to the contract he feels he deserves.

If there is anyone out there that could pull this "miracle" it is Rosenhaus.

- I met a lady who happens to be a smoker. She works for the Cancer Society of America. Not sure why, but I find that very interesting. Kind of like when you see medical doctors smoking.

- The NBA Finals start tonight. Right now I am guessing the Spurs in 6. I just think they will be the first to 50, an important number being that the final will be 51-48.

Mike Tyson fights this Saturday in DC. Should be a great event. Not because Mike is on the card, but because Lalah Ali is going to pummel another chick. Nothing like a beautiful young lady beating the crap out of a less attractive young lady.

I will give Mike this though. The press conference was funny. Whoever that guy he told, "You're going to get Kevin killed," and "Just go sit down," that was pure Mike Tyson comedy. Here's to hoping he beats the guy into blivion. (Note that "O" that is missing was purposely neglected to Mike because it reminds him of all the 0s he is in debt.)

- "Fire Me Please" is must watch TV! It was great to watch these people act like idiots trying to get fired from their job. It also gives me hope that some of these idiots I work with are pretending so they can win the $25,000 purse. Just Kidding!

In all actuality, I would love to be on a show like this. Not sure how it would work for a black dude though. Not trying to through race in the middle of this... well actually I am. I don't necessarily think a black male could do some of the things I saw the dude do in the coffee shop. Especially when the police came.


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