
Quick Hits: BET Awards

I finally saw the BET Awards last night. Overall it was cool, but I think last year was better. How can they compete with Monique checking the Ying Yang Twins or Rick James going off. Well they did have a crackhead moment...

* Lauryn Hill*
Nice to see that she actually showed up for an appearance. Unfortunately, she looked like Whitney Houston did at the 1st BET Awards. You know the one where she couldn't finish the song. Somehow Lauryn even sounded like Whitney as well. Her voice used to be powerful and confident, now it sounds like she has one of the Marley's dreadlocks caught in her throat.

There were times that it looked like she was going to pass out. Hell she even admitted it by claiming that they had gotten "overzealous" during rehearsal. Whatever Lauryn, if you say so. Try not to hit that Marley drug before you hit the stage.

I guess what's most sad is that her fractured voice sounded better than some of the other "talent" out there.

* The Rules*

Loved the rules. Nobody follows them, but what do you expect. People will always find a way to circumvent them. Perfect example: Mike Jones had his entire neighborhood up there. Even Fat Joe was out there. Since when did he start "Tippin'?"

Whoever convinced him that "Bring 'Em Out" would be hot is you had a live band with Sheila E. on the drums has to be deaf. That shit sounded like The Game's son was playing on a Fisher Price keyboard. And for some reason the PSC click, who did the "Bring 'em out, bring 'em out" chorus off camera, sounded like they were learning English as a second language. They had the energy of Lauryn Hill on depressants.

* The Lap Dance*
I'm hearing a major fuss about the "lap dances" Destiny's Child put on Nelly, Terrence Howard and Magic. I thought it was innocent considering it was obviously contrived. Howard and Nelly were sitting right next to Mama Knowles. How convenient!

I do wonder how Michelle (who obviously is always a step behind) decided on Magic. Aren't lap dances- and taking them to the next level- how Magic got himself into the "position" he's in now? Maybe Michelle was trying to heal him with her voice.

The only thing more contrived was the Debra Lee comments about Bob Johnson. All of that was PR contrived to send subtle messages about her new leadership and to distance themselves. It is almost common knowledge that they have been doing the bedroom tango for years and the rumor mill turned up even louder when she was named as the new CEO. So the comments/ actions about "being a control freak" and "not saying what he told me to say," were all subtle messages to say "I'm running this show form now on and he won't be in my ear (or bed) telling me what to do!" Anything you say Deb!

DISCLAIMER: If either Bob or Debra happen to read this, I would like you to know that the previous paragraph was a very dumb attempt at humor. I apologize in advance if you will give me a good job. I hear AJ is trying to leave the network again, I would be willing to work with Free for FREE! Holla at your boy.

* Dwayne Martin*
Is it possible to have a mid-life crisis at 35? Seriously, how attention deprived are you to be rocking a mohawk? Aren't fashion risks usually reserved for fashionable people? Last time I checked no one was checking for him. Maybe "Gina" is getting on his nerves. Maybe he'll call Martin Lawrence to give her a call.

* Pauletta Washington*
See what happens when Denzel is away? She comes out looking like a bad Tina Turner impersonation. I was under the impression that millionaires had stylists. Maybe her stylist got the calendar mixed up and she thought it was Halloween. Now yall know why Denzel vetoed her singer career. He doesn't want her embarrassing the family name.

* The Overall Production*
Ummm... why in the hell did I see more production assistants than winners of the awards. Like 50% of the awards were won by folks who were absent.


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