
Random Thoughts...

- The Supreme Court over turning the conviction of Arthur Anderson for their involvement in Enron-gate is complete bullshit! They should be renamed the Supreme Idiots!

- Paris Hilton is engaged. Can't wait to see the "tape." LOL
Really, I could care less. But I feel sorry for the minister who has to ask, "Paris do you take Paris to be your...." Sounds like a wonderful marriage in narcissism. I can hear it now, "Paris I love you more!" "No Paris I love you more!"

- Deep throat revealed. Wasn't sure what the big deal was. I thought everyone knew it was Linda Lovelace. Then I realized they weren't talking about that Deep Throat. They were actually talking about the person who leaked the info about Nixon's Watergate cover-up. It's funny how people like to tell the truth when they are about to die. Now if only I could get the old man up the street to admit that he kept my football after it landed in his yard, I would be able to sleep at night. LOL

- Tom Cruise is so in love with a professed virgin that he jumps on couches like a monkey on speed. These types of celebrations aren't even given to girls who could star in Deep Throat II. I guess blueballs make you do some crazy things. Congrats Tom!

- Larry Brown is on the move again. Well, according to espn.com Brown is set to become the Cav's Team President. Brown is an unquestioned genius in basketball for what he does on the court. But he downgrades to a selfish, me first type of guy off the court. He has moved around more than a bad pair of silicone tits. And just like going low cost on the boob job, when Brown leaves we all second guess the thing in the first place. If anyone in the world has A.D.D. it is Brown. He would probably get bored watching Eva Longoria licking Halle Berry up and down.

I guess what I don't understand is why the players so-called "selfishness" gets blasted in the headlines on a daily basis, but Brown only gets questioned until he turns a team around. Is it not the same thing? Oh wait, he knows how to win. Let's see an NCAA title in '88 and a NBA title in '05. He is a great coach but Phil Jackson isn't necessarily worried about the guy out blinging him.

- So this lady in Philly is selling advertising on her baby's clothing for a modest $1,000 per month fee. People seem to think TV, movies and music are killing people's brain waves when really it is ebay and craiglist. They are the ones enabling people to sell anything. One mofo is selling the fact that he will kill a rabbit if no one donates to his "Save the Rabbit" fund. Then you have the mofo that licensed his forehead for a month to some company. Now you have this lady proudly pimping her kid like the reincarnation Joe Jackson (Sidenote: Here's to hoping this lady's kid stays away from little boys and surgeon's knives). Seriously, this is taking "pimping" to levels that Xzibit and West Coast Customs dream of. I have one question though: What company is willing to pay $1,000 to literally be thrown up on?

-While sports writers continue to harp on TO and his contract demands, the funny thing is that you haven't hear TO say anything in like a month. Just something I find interesting.

- Saw Star Wars Pt. VI or III depending on how you want to look at it. Some say it's the best, others are saying they rushed the transformation of Annakin to Darth Vader. I mean the movie was 2.5 hours long, seems like enough time to me. I hear Lord of the Rings was a three hour epic, but I haven't seen any of them and don't believe they are worth an 1/8 on my entire day. All I will say is Darth Vader turned out to be one of the biggest idiots and I ended up feeling sorry for him. And even after all that he went through, he still let Sidius tell him what to do. That is what you call pimping. Sidius admitted (not to Vader, of course) that he could be the most powerful of them all, yet he keeps Darth on the stroll until he tries to save his son (Luke). Man! Talk about "pimpin' since pimpin' been pimpin'!"