

Tomorrow I am heading to the land that Crockett & Tubbs made so famous in the 80s.

And about 5 years earlier by Mr. Tony Montana himself:

Who could ever go wrong with sunny cascades, palm trees and Drive-thru styled cocaine spot? LOL

Officially, this will not be the first time I have been to MIA after my brother and I connected to a Vegas flight from there, but I will actually be leaving the airport this time. But the greatest thing about this trip is they are calling for snow (not to be confused with the aformentioned kind in MIA) here at home. So as long as it doesn't effect my departure time, let it snow let it snow.

As of right now, there are only three "events" pre-arranged. We will be seeing Alicia Keys ft/ John Legend Friday nite and the Heat vs. Magic on Sat. afternoon, followed by a big Birthday and Engagement party at some Latin restaurant.

QUICK SIDE BAR: Shaq if you happen to read this. YOU BETTER PLAY! The MRI was negative and the Magic are divsion rivals. Play man, it/s NECESSARY!

So other than those few things I assume we will be hitting some clubs and walking around with cups in our hands, enjoying the weather and scenery.

DISCLAIMER: I realized that I have yet to define who "WE" is, so let me take this time to do so. We composes of 3 of my boys are our respective GirlFriend/ Fiance. Considering this is the net and how "WE" has been used as a non-descript way of saying "Adam & Steve," I just thought that was necessary. LOL

I have heard wonderful things about MIA and I expect nothing less, so everyone that has told me "how great of a time" and "how much fun I'll have" you better be right, mofo. LOL

I guess when I get back I'll give a recap. Although this blog is kind of like a tree falling in the woods. If this blog is out there on the net, does that mean people actually have read it? Makes you go hmmm...


360 Part II

After coming to terms with the fact that NY wasn't going to happen on terms that were cool with me, I continued my grind in VA. Practically doing nothing and learning few things that could push me to the next level. My Pops kept telling me to think positive and to worry less because the stress I was putting on myself was going to kill me. I ended up staying in VA for 3.5 years. FINALLY! Someone believed in me. Or maybe they couldn't get anyone else to accept the poisiton, LOL! Either way I was on my way up.

Or so I thought! I am five months into this new gig and it is apparent to me that this move was more latteral than vertical. I am thankful for this opportunity to do what I do in a market that is a lot more conducive to my personality and interests, but I need more. It could be never being satisfied. Whatever it is, I need to move forward. Renting is getting old and being the "low man" on the totem pole is weakening the strength I believe my shoulders can handle. So the question became, "What the &*%^ am I going to do about it?"

The answer became the thing I last wanted to do coming out of undergrad: GRAD SCHOOL. You, well, my friends and I, always heard get your degree and the world will be your oyster. This could be true, but having clams while other folks are getting oyster BARS wasn't working for me.

I was fortunate to find a weekend Master's program in Communication that I believe will take me to the next level and beyond. I could be wrong, but I am learning to not be afraid of it. Shit happens, but it is whatever happens after that that makes you successful. Or something like that. Whatever the cliche is, you know what I mean, LOL.

So this is the 360 I have been talking about. The greatest prospect I have had in years used to be the last prospect I ever considered. It's amazing how this decision has changed my attitude and outlook on the "real world." Not only because I BS-ed around in undegrad and this will provide an opportunity to prove to myself that this is what I am built for, but because it will sharpen and enhance my "real world" experiences. Most of the lessons taught in undergrad are hard to be placed because, to that point, we haven't experienced how it applies to real life situations. It's kind of like boxing. You can train all day and night and spar with the best there is, but until you take that first shot, you really don't know what you are made of. To this point I have taken my first shot and even stumbled. But I am still standing and as long as I am standing, I can still win! *For some reason after reading this, the Antoine Fisher "And I/m still here" line is in my mind, LOL* So anyway, now it/s time to hit the gym and train even harder.

I have no sure way of how I am going to pay for this I may not even get accepted into this program, but I tried and I have a back-up plan for another school already in planning. Time will tell, but hopefully things work out for me.


360 Degrees: Going Back to...


Times are rapidly changing. I'm talking like things from 5 years ago seem to be going to the wasteland. Having changed my major after the 1st semester of sophmore year, well that and BS-ing around, I spent an extra year to get my undergrad degree. The whole last year the only thing I could think of was getting out and making my own living. As time drew near, I tried to enjoy the "last days of freedom," but the anticipation for post college life grew. Excitement, anxiousness and "grown-up" freedom were always on my brain in some way, shape or form. School was fun and a great experience, but I was done with it. No need to look at grad schools, cause I was done and more than likely FOR GOOD!

Then it happened, just as I had received really great news about my defense of my thesis (my thesis being the most involving assignment during my college career), I got the news that I was one point away in another class from graduating on time. ONE POINT! Never had I wanted to spit in someone's face more than that professor. The feeling was worst than the first time I had been called the N-word, cause the news came so unexpectedly and caught me completely off guard. Anyway, I finished in August, despite the professor proclaiming that she kept me in summer school because I was so cute. http://www.siyclone.com/html/emoticons/dry.gif

So finally I was out in the world. One thing though, I was still working P/T at an office supply store, interning in the Sports Information office at my alma mater and sleeping on the couch at my boy's apartment. Absolutely, nothing had changed from the last few days I had before I graduated. That lasted a month, until I moved back home and got another P/T job in the mean time. I wasn't living the dream yet, but I was still anticipating the days of my own place and "real" paychecks. The "paychecks" began in December when I accepted a job in a bordering state for exactly $24,000.

I was "rich" for all of 6 weeks until the reality of paying rent and having to buy a new car that could endure the 1.5-3 hour one way treks to and from work, set in. The amazing thing is I still had faith, a plan and the sense to understand that in my profession this is where you start. I was moving to NY after a year of experience at this job in VA. Then the towers came down and suddenly NY wasn't as prosperous as it had once been. Loss seemed to be the one theme going through the city. Whether it was lives or jobs, NY just didn't seem the place to be. But I still had an itch for the city that never sleeps, but employers apparently stopped looking for candidates that weren't already in NY. And I couldn't afford to just up and leave for NY without a job already lined up.

PT II Coming Soon....


Blog Virginity

So this is the first time I have attempted something like this. Hopefully, I will remeber to make a contributution to it on a regualr basis. I really haven/t decided what purpose this will serve me or anyone who may visit, but I do know this will be an incredible thing if I am able to one day in the future and look back at some of my thoughts as I grow and mature from a 28ish bachelor into an old decrepit bum, LOL. Jokes of course, but this will be an interesting venture.

Get your glass ready, Scotch is on the Rocks.