Tomorrow I am heading to the land that Crockett & Tubbs made so famous in the 80s.

And about 5 years earlier by Mr. Tony Montana himself:

Who could ever go wrong with sunny cascades, palm trees and Drive-thru styled cocaine spot? LOL
Officially, this will not be the first time I have been to MIA after my brother and I connected to a Vegas flight from there, but I will actually be leaving the airport this time. But the greatest thing about this trip is they are calling for snow (not to be confused with the aformentioned kind in MIA) here at home. So as long as it doesn't effect my departure time, let it snow let it snow.
As of right now, there are only three "events" pre-arranged. We will be seeing Alicia Keys ft/ John Legend Friday nite and the Heat vs. Magic on Sat. afternoon, followed by a big Birthday and Engagement party at some Latin restaurant.
QUICK SIDE BAR: Shaq if you happen to read this. YOU BETTER PLAY! The MRI was negative and the Magic are divsion rivals. Play man, it/s NECESSARY!
So other than those few things I assume we will be hitting some clubs and walking around with cups in our hands, enjoying the weather and scenery.
DISCLAIMER: I realized that I have yet to define who "WE" is, so let me take this time to do so. We composes of 3 of my boys are our respective GirlFriend/ Fiance. Considering this is the net and how "WE" has been used as a non-descript way of saying "Adam & Steve," I just thought that was necessary. LOL
I have heard wonderful things about MIA and I expect nothing less, so everyone that has told me "how great of a time" and "how much fun I'll have" you better be right, mofo. LOL
I guess when I get back I'll give a recap. Although this blog is kind of like a tree falling in the woods. If this blog is out there on the net, does that mean people actually have read it? Makes you go hmmm...